Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 2

It is the beginning of week two and after a lot of thinking I think I may have found the perfect idea for my 20% project. I have decided to do my project on the happiest place on earth, Disneyland. Some of my fondest memories as a child were trips to Disneyland with my family. Even now as a teenager some of the most memorable times that I've had with my friends are at Disneyland. It is a place where dreams do come true and you're able to act as a child again. Once you enter those gates, you're entering a whole new world full of characters we've all grown to love, some of the best food you'll ever eat and the most thrilling rides. I enjoy this wonderful place and hope to use my knowledge of the theme park to help enhance someone's trip to the park be as fun-filled and memorable as possible.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week 1

This week I began my 20% project. I wasn't sure what I would do at first. A few ideas came to mind but I'm not certain of which I will do. We were told to do the project on something we knew or were familiar with. That led me to look into some of my interests. This made me realize a few things. One of them being I have very little interests that others may enjoy too. I began to dig deeper and look at the things I really enjoyed in life and tried to see if I could use my knowledge of those things to benefit someone else's life. One of those being playing the ukulele. I found that rather difficult since I cannot teach others due to the fact that playing that beautiful instrument was something that just came easy to me. I didn't have to think about what chord comes next or how to strum. It's also something that comes so easily but is so hard to explain to someone who wants to know more about it. Therefor that idea was no longer an option and I was stuck still trying to find a topic for my project that would come naturally to me but not too natural that I couldn't explain it to anyone. Now I'm ending week one of my 20% project with no clue of what my project will be on.